domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009

Clubs, Whorehouses, Brothels, Massage Parlours, Brasshouses, Discrete Apartments and Knocking Shops in Spain

Yep, loads of words for them but basically theyre places where a guy goes to pay for a sexual experience.

In the UK massage parlours and saunas are the terms i hear most since brothels and whorehouses per se are illegal. With tougher new laws being suggested all of the time this terminology isnt likeley to change.

First thing to get straight is that in Spain a sauna is for gay men. The second thing is that any sign that says 'club' is most likely a brothel. Not a sports club, not a night club. Ok thats out the way now, we dont need any more funny stories about people discovering these two facts the hard way.

The most common term in Spain is puticlub, where the word puti comes from prostituta. Along with club de alterne and whiskeria your looking at the 3 most common terms for a bar or club type layout where you can go into a bar, order a drink and meet the girls.

Piso is the word for apartment, the 'pisos' in Spain are pretty much unregulated (as opposed to the clubs which sell alcohol) and therefore synonymous with the darker side of the trade although there are many well established 'pisos' with very proud standards which simply operate a cheaper alternative to the 'club' type establishments.

I hope this clears up a few vocabulary and cultural issues!

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